VUB rector Caroline Pauwels apologizes to victims of transgressive behavior | Brussels

The transgressive behavior towards a VUB professor only came to light after a long procedure lasting almost a year. Although that procedure was followed correctly and the professor involved was fired, the students and staff of the Brussels university still had a bad feeling.

“As a university, but also as a rector and as a person, you have to dare to admit that it is not good enough. As rector, I would like to apologize on behalf of the institution to the victims of transgressive behavior who were left out in the cold for too long,” says Rector Pauwels in the mail. “Some statements increased their suffering and other words that could have eased the suffering were not uttered. The procedures used by the VUB and their outcome have not provided sufficient support to those who needed them,” she continues.

The VUB is going to improve its reporting center and functioning, because as a progressive university it wants to do better. Based on current experience, it proposes some actions to the advisory and management bodies. The code of ethics and the interpersonal relations will be clarified, there will be training courses on transgressive behavior, the reporting center will become more transparent, the disciplinary procedure will be investigated and proactive communication with victims will be provided.


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