VS sturen HIMARS rocket systems with precise ammunition on Oekraïne: hoe werkt het?

The VS Zullen onder Meer antitank krakettes, Luchtafweerrakettes, maar also HIMARS rocket systems with precise munitions leveren. The HIMARS rocket system (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System) is equipped with one of the most advanced systems across the VS. Het Oekraïense leger vraagt ​​al longer om zo’n systeem.

Large reikwijdte

The rocket system works as a truck with the gps-gestuurde rockets draagt ​​and eveneens kan afvuren. De zes rockets meet hun doelwit nauwkeuriger en kunnen bovendien vrij snel na elkaar been afgevuurd.

The rockets lifted a range of 80 kilometers, what a larger area is covered by the rockets over Oekraïne tot nu toe beschikt. Other than that, he also rockets with a three-way wall of water ran 300 kilometers from the HIMARS rocket system. Deze rockets were not even fired, because the VS will probably have hit them in Russia. Oekraïne likes the Amerikaanse wapens bad incettes op het own ground area.

The rake system is now there as a reason for having one piece of light in the practicable lancer systems that are behind the defective transporters.

New package

De uitrusting maakt deel uit van een nieuw, breder pakket van militaire bijstand van de VS aan oekraïne ter waarde van in total 700 million dollars, waarvan de details will be sent on weekdays bekendgemaakt.

The system consists of a truck and the missiles can be dragged and launched.Beeld AFP
