Voyage will be extended through November 2023





The ABBA show “Voyage”, which premiered on May 26, 2022 in London, will be extended until November 2023. In the show, Frida, Benny, Björn and Agnetha are projected onto a screen as holograms.

ABBA were there for the London premiere in May and Frida, as expected, banged the drum: “I’m really looking forward to seeing the show again. I saw it once on a Monday night and it just keeps growing this feeling that you want to see it again and again because there are so many details that you can’t comprehend after seeing it once.” With that, both the production shines and the Abba Arena in east London. Rumors circulated soon after the premiere that the show’s creators were struggling with underutilization and that “Voyage” might soon be moving on to Las Vegas or Asia.




