Vox’s motion of no confidence

The spokesperson of the PP, Cuca Gamarrasaid that the Vox motion of no confidence It has only been a gift to the Government. And then the socialist spokesman, patxi lopezcame to endorse it by thanking Tamames have made it easier for the Government to make its progressive policy explicit. Has the motion really been a gift to Pedro Sánchez?

Let’s go in parts. Vox has not been successful because it only achieved the vote of its group and the Government is still alive because 201 deputies voted against. In addition, the candidate Tamames outlined a series of ideas -some more interesting than others- that were far from an alternative government program. Tamames had an enlightened tone, but his speech was even less suggestive than some of his press interviews in recent days. And it seemed somewhat transfixed by the harshness of a debate that necessarily has little to do with a session of the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences. But if Tamames disappointed, much worse was his sponsor and leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, who limited himself to reciting a list of far-right platitudes. only the speech of Ivan Espinosa de los Monteroswhich seemed that of a competent PP deputy, saved Vox from total ridicule.

Did the government go well? Yes, due to the broad rejection of the motion. AND Pedro Sancheza skilled parliamentarian, was correct with Tamames and took the opportunity to praise your government for a long time, especially the consensus with the social partners on issues such as the labor reform. And even that of pensions, without an agreement with the CEOE, but which seems to be approved by Brussels. In any case, it contrasts with the big protests in france by Macron’s decision to extend the retirement age. Sánchez also reiterated that the number of jobs is already higher than before the pandemic and compared his policy with that of Rajoy, which involved social cuts. What Sánchez never says is that this has been possible because public spending has not been cut due to mistrust of the markets in Spain. And this is only due to the different attitude of the ECB which, in order to prevent the collapse of the European economies due to the pandemic, has financed public debt issues. Although with inflation still high – plus underlying inflation and food inflation – Sánchez erred as a triumphalist.

The PP could not vote on the motion without being trailed by Abascal. And he could not vote against it either because it would have strengthened a government that he aspires to defeat in a few months

But the government’s black hole – worsened in recent months – is the continual anger with Podemos due to the effects of the ‘only yes is yes’ law that has led to the reduction of sentences of more than 700 convicted. AND Yolanda Diazthe vice president appointed by Podemos, took a twist on the script and offered a image of unity with a well-constructed speechalthough very haughty, in which he praised socialist ministers -such as Nadia Calvino, with which he has disagreed a lot – and assured that there will be a progressive government for a while. Yeah? Does Yolanda Díaz represent the most maximalist ministers Irene Montero and Ione Belarra? What does Pablo Iglesias think? The image of unity will be blown up if the vice president does not get the support of Podemos and in the elections there are two lists to the left of the PSOE.

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But the motion also went against Feijóo. Abascal wanted to draw up a document that the PP could not govern without Vox. Perhaps that is the case -we will have to see the electoral results-, but the motion did not achieve it. It is not normal for Feijóo to announce his abstention before listening to Tamames, but perhaps he was the most astute. The PP could not vote for her without accepting a secondary role before Vox which would also give Sánchez wings when he preaches that the two rights are the same. But he could not vote against either because 295 votes (out of 350) rejecting the motion -indirectly in favor of the Government- would have strengthened Sánchez.

Feijóo is betting that the internal struggles in the Sánchez government, evident despite Yolanda Díaz’s unitary mass on Wednesday, and Abascal’s mistakes – he fights with his Andalusian candidate Macarena Olona and the Tamames motion – will make him the least bad candidate . But he remains to be seen if a calculating leader, who has taken refuge in Cuca Gamarra’s only disqualifying speech, can generate the necessary illusion to clearly win the next elections. Who of the two, Sánchez or Feijóo, will know how to better digest the incidents of the coming months?
