Vox motion of no confidence

The economist Ramón Tamamesproposed by vox as a candidate for the presidency of the Executive in the motion of no confidence, affirms in the draft of the speech that he will deliver on March 21 that the true program of the Government would be to “prepare the general elections scheduled for December 2023 that would be good to advance to May 28 making them coincide with the municipal and regional ones& rdquor ;.

This is reported by elDiario.es, which has had access and publishes the latest draft of the speech by the former leader of the PCE, in which he asks the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, to “take note & rdquor; from his suggestion “whatever the result of this motion of censure & rdquor ;. For Tamames, the electoral advance is necessary because of the Sánchez’s eagerness to “divide the Spanish by trying to dictate to his liking the History of all nations with the alleged Democratic Memory, missing the truth with not a little partisanship and favoring an idealized second republic& rdquor ;.

El Diario.es reports that the speech consists of 31 pages: 30 chapters and a page for the conclusions. It addresses foreign policy and the relationship with Morocco, the “deterioration and recomposition of healthcare”, the problem of nationalisms that want to “break Spain”, the economic situation of our country, or the attempt to control the judiciary, among others.

For the economist and Vox candidate, Spain “is more like a modern absorbing autocracy& rdquor;, will consider that in the Government “demagogy and populism frequently prevail & rdquor; and he will regret that “from the blue bank & rdquor; reject formations like Vox, “which represent millions of Spaniards, the democratic character & rdquor ;.

Tamames justifies his decision to accept Vox’s proposal in his desire to “provide personally my last tribute to the defense of the current and future interests of Spain”.

In his speech, Tamames will say that with Pedro Sánchez it is when the “constitutional architecture” is most in danger& rdquor; that was closed in the Transition, which, in his opinion, “has deformed the very State of Autonomies in which the main objective now of the separatist partners [de Sánchez] is to render Article 2 of the Constitution on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation useless& rdquor ;. For this reason, the economist will insist on his intervention, “The urgent call for general elections is more necessary than ever” and to prevent President Pedro Sánchez from continuing to grant “the most harmful legislative assignments to certain of his partners in the investiture coalition who are putting that constitutional architecture of 1978 at risk & rdquor ;.

In this sense, it will call for “a new government of the Nation & rdquor; propose a reform of the Electoral Law so that these parties do not achieve “overrepresentation & rdquor; they enjoy, which gives them the power to shape government. To avoid control of the Judiciary by the Executive, Tamames will propose that “the appointment of the magistrates of the supreme court and of the Constitutional are for life”.

He will criticize the President of the Government for the “abuse” of the decree laws “with 132 approved in the last four years, despite being an extraordinary instrument but for the President of the Government a normal procedure has already been carried out & rdquor ;, which, He will add, “deprives of the minimum parliamentary debate & rdquor ;.

According to the text released by elDiario.es, will reproach the current government for having created legal uncertainty with his reform of the Penal Code, the ‘only yes is yes’ law and other laws that in his opinion “are harmful to the country& rdquor ;.

The economist will consider that the rise of Minimum Interprofessional Salary (SMI) It is detrimental to “almost all small and medium-sized businesses in Spain& rdquor;.

Unemployment, the slowdown in the growth rate and the increase in the CPI will be issues in which he will deepen his speech and describe it as “a large-caliber nonsense & rdquor; Podemos’s proposal to cap the prices of at least 20 basic products in the shopping cart.

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In addition, will reproach Sánchez for his vision of the Civil War and he will comment during his speech that “there is not a good and a bad side& rdquor; and that “atrocities were committed on both sides & rdquor ;. “Trying to limit them now to practically only one of those sides is to be untrue and throw the 1977 Amnesty Law into the attic” to defend that “generations of Spaniards” do not want a conflict like the one that occurred in 1936 to occur again, the Vox candidate for Prime Minister will affirm.

Ramón Tamames will thank the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, for the “great opportunity that he has given him to express freely & rdquor; his “analysis of the situation in Spain & rdquor; and before the deputies he will conclude his first speech by saying: “I confess it, ladies and gentlemen, today’s act is for me like one of the last sequences of the very script of my life & rdquor ;.
