Vox claims to have reached an agreement with the PP to preside over the Parliament and the PP denies it

Last minute changes in the negotiation of the Table of the Cortes of Aragon. In an unlikely situation, the far-right party Vox has assured that they have reached an agreement with the PP for the formation of the Table of the Cortes de Aragón for which the deputy Marta Fernandez will be the president of Parliament.

The PP has asserted, from the beginning, that the day had ended without agreement, but sources of the negotiation of the popular have finally assured that The pact will be closed, except for last-minute surprises, this Friday and that Fernández will be president of the Cortes of Aragon.

Until 11:00 p.m. this Thursday, it seemed that the time to reach an agreement had run out without the Popular Party having managed to tie an agreement with Vox for the Table of the Cortes that would allow him to articulate a subsequent investiture pact for the Government of Aragon.

But An urgent statement from the far-right formation has turned everything upside down. So much so that in the PP, from the beginning, they have not recognized the agreement. “We maintain that we have closed the day without an agreement,” said official sources of the PP of Azcón before finally confirming that the agreement with Vox is true.

According to negotiators from the popular formation, the agreement with Vox is limited exclusively to a pact to preside over the Table of the Cortes.

The negotiations in recent days have focused on three areas: for the Parliamentary Table itself, on the ideological program and political measures, and on the investiture of Jorge Azcón as future president of the Aragonese Government. Apparently, an agreement has only been reached on the first point, which should serve, in theory, to guarantee Azcón’s arrival at Pignatelli. Although the agreement has not reached, for now, up to this point.

The situation is unprecedented just twelve hours after the formation of the future Aragonese Parliament, an institution that has always boasted of being the house of pact, dialogue and the word of all Aragonese.

The Aragonese case recalls, in principle, to that of the Balearic Islands, where the popular handed over the presidency of the Chamber to Vox without having yet guaranteed their support for the inauguration of the president of the PP. The intention in the Aragonese PP is for the presidency of the Aragonese Parliament to support Vox to prevent its entry into the autonomous government. A fight that is not expected to be easy given the proximity of the general elections and the negotiating talent of the extreme right.

Vox’s statement

The statement that the far-right formation has shared through its communication channels is the following:

“The Popular Party and Vox in Aragon have reached an agreement this afternoon for the election, tomorrow June 23, of the Parliamentary Table for the XI legislature.

The agreement between both formations is the fruit and expression of a majority change who has manifested in Aragon in the elections of May 28.

Vox, as the third political force in the Aragonese Community, had already expressed its willingness to be represented in the Table of the Cortes, out of respect for its voters.

Said representation, in its greatest degree, supposes a pride and a responsibility that Vox assumes, with the institutional respect that the Courts of Aragon deserve, and with an attitude of service towards all the Aragonese and the pluralism of political options that the parliament reflects.

The agreement reached is limited to the constitution of the Table at the beginning of the XI legislature. There is no talk of investiture. Both parties will continue without pause, but with discretion, to search for an agreement on those issues that allow drawing up a governance agreement. Now it’s time to start the XI legislature, and this agreement makes it possible to start a majority of change in Aragon”.

According to Vox, the one chosen to preside over the Aragonese Parliament would be Marta Fernández, deputy elected by Zaragoza, who has already been a deputy in the last legislature. A profile denier of climate change and gender violence and a parliamentarian who always reads her speeches in each intervention in the Cortes of Aragon. Born on August 23, 1966 in Zaragoza, Fernández has a degree in Law and has been responsible for human resources in the private sector for twenty years.

A complex dialogue that ends in grotesque

The underground negotiations in recent days between Jorge Azcón’s popular supporters and the far-right formation, according to the PP, had not come to fruition late on Thursday. But shortly after, Vox comes out with a statement including names and surnames of the future supposed president of the Cortes de Aragón, the deputy elected by Zaragoza, Marta Fernández, who repeats in her second legislature.

A few hours before the constitutive session of the Cortes de Aragón begins in the eleventh legislature of democracy, it seemed that there was no an agreement that would allow the PP candidate to achieve an absolute majority to guarantee himself the Presidency of the Aragonese Parliament. Now the situation changes, with Vox assuming the presidency of the institution and the PP trying to guarantee the Aragonese Executive in this way.

Aragon: from Extremadura to the Balearic Islands

Late in the afternoon, the Aragonese case seemed too similar to that of Estremadura. Then it became unprecedented, with both partners defending the opposite, before confessing that the pact will be sealed, predictably, this Friday morning. The moment of truth arrives with a stupefied Parliament and the votes of the PAR and Teruel It also exists in the air.

Just four days ago, the popular María Guardiola lost the regional chamber in favor of the PSOE because she did not have the support of Vox. This Friday the PP can also have the PAR and Teruel exist as allies, but none of these formations takes for granted a pact for the constitution of the Cortes of Aragon this Friday. In fact, at the end of this Thursday, sources from both formations assure that “there is no signed agreement” with the Aragonese PP.

However, Popular Party sources assured that The negotiations will resume first thing in the morning, and the three-way dialogue will continue, with Vox, Teruel Existe and the PAR. Azcón’s party has summoned its parliamentary group in the Cortes first thing in the morning, where it is also yet to decide who will be the spokesperson for the new legislature.

The presence of Buxadé

This Friday, the vice president of the ultra party, Jorge Buxade, has summoned the media to announce the party’s position just fifteen minutes before the session begins. Predictably, the pact with the PP will just become official.

An indication that seemed to show that there was little predisposition to the agreement with the Aragonese PP. The precedents indicated that in Extremadura and in the Region of Murcia there was also a previous press call from Vox, while in the Balearic Islands, where there was an agreement between the conservatives and the ultra formation, Buxadé did not attend the media before the vote was consummated. The declaration of intent, a few hours after the vote, did not invite optimism. The grotesque brushed against Vox saying one thing and the PP the opposite, and finally, showing the agreement.

The presence of Buxadé was one of the reasons for concern in the popular ranks. One of the toughest profiles of Vox has not accepted the proposal that his people hold the vice-presidency of the autonomous Parliament in Aragon, being, with seven deputies, the third political force in the community. In fact, the statement from the ultra formation shows that they wanted the presidency of the Cortes.

While, in parallel, Talks continue very actively with both the PAR and Teruel Existe. Although the dramatic situation with Vox could affect these agreements. Both parties were the passport of Jorge Azcón to avoid a photo alone of the PP with the extreme right. But finally, in the conservative ranks they have ended up assuming that Vox’s votes were necessary, especially for the investiture of Jorge Azcón. With this transfer, the popular hope to guarantee it.

tune without pact

From the Aragonese Party of Alberto Izquierdo they insisted yesterday on the “good harmony” of the negotiations with the PP, but both he and Tomás Guitarte, from Teruel Existe, deny that there is a closed pact that already guarantees their support for the Aragonese PP in this constitution of the courts.

“I said that the PAR would support the most voted list, which is that of the PP in the DPT. But until two days ago there was the possibility that the PSOE and Teruel Existe would join forces,” recalled Izquierdo, who insisted, for another hand, in which “it is not known who is the candidate to preside over the Cortes of Aragon” and, therefore, he has not yet decided the direction of his vote. In fact, the Aragonese formation will put special interest in the composition of the Table of the Cortes. At stake is what role is reserved for the parliamentary groups that will form the mixed groupits financing and its presence in the different parliamentary commissions.

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Sources from Teruel Existe recalled that “there is no agreement signed with the PP”, although the possibilities of supporting their candidate “are on the table”. Its leader, Tomás Guitarte, dropped this Wednesday that the future of the institution could be revealed late this Thursday. But no such agreement came.

No one rules out that there may be a last minute pact to clarify the majority games before the final whistle. But what these last hours show is that Jorge Azcón’s PP depends more on what he would like from Vox and that the extreme right not only will not give up their abstention for free, but rather plays for free to tighten the screws on an Azcón who promised them much happier.
