Voting machine manufacturer case against Fox News postponed | Abroad

Dominion accuses ‘Fox News’ of defamation surrounding the 2020 US election and demands 1.6 billion dollars (almost 1.5 billion euros). The American-Canadian company believes that Fox News was guilty of defamation by reporting that Dominion’s voting machines had been used for election fraud, when the editors knew that was not true.

Fox News initially invoked freedom of the press, stating in court papers that Trump’s claims were “undeniably newsworthy.” However, the channel was reprimanded in March and can no longer claim freedom of the press, because the judge considered it proven that the claims it broadcast were false and defamatory, and therefore do not fall under the laws that protect the press.

Judge Eric Davis stated last week that he had spoken to potential jurors behind closed doors and had more than enough choice of suitable people. However, he would not announce his selection until Monday, before the two sides could start their opening statements. Now the case will start at 9 a.m. (local time) on Tuesday morning. The case is being heard in a Delaware court and is expected to take several weeks.
