Voting application against Neukölln city councilor

District Councilor Sarah Nagel (37, left) wants a city-wide regulation to prevent such advertising in the future

District councilor Sarah Nagel (37, left) prohibited employees of the regulatory office from participating in group controls Photo: Olaf Selchow

From the BZ editorial team

City councilor Sarah Nagel (37, left) prohibited the employees of the Neukölln regulatory office from taking part in police and customs operations in clan raids or checks on shisha bars.

That is why the district assembly (BVV) will decide on Wednesday whether the FDP can vote out of office against the left-wing politician. Nagel had often criticized the missions as stigmatizing.

The reason for this is stated in the FDP application: “The refusal of the city councilor … shows that she is not willing to fulfill her legal obligations and use her office against administrative offenses.”

If the BVV let them continue, “the regulatory office and the entire district office will become useful idiots of clan criminals.”


Clans in Berlin regulatory office raid
