Vote now so that Berlin wins the German Engagement Award!

By Bjorn Trautwein

The BZ already has it: Eleven years ago we won the German Engagement Award for the “Berlin Heroes” campaign, for our reports and appeals and the associated advertising for volunteer work.

The award is the most important recognition for voluntary work in Germany, a kind of “Oscar for volunteering”. Every year, special projects, ideas and initiatives that deal with grievances in our society are honored in seven categories.

In most categories, a jury decides the award, but there is one exception. Everyone can vote online for the audience award. Over 400 projects have been nominated this year – 31 of them from Berlin.

And as a newspaper in the capital, we naturally hope that the audience award will remain in Berlin. Mainly because there are great projects to be voted on here that all deserve it. We have already reported on many here in the BZ. Included are among others:

► The association Morus 14, which takes care of children and young people in Neukölln’s Rollberg district and offers private tuition.

► “bubales” – a Jewish and intercultural puppet theater

► The “Berlin ImpactCamp”, where young volunteers live together for a week and get involved together

► The art exhibition “100 years of Sophie Scholl – What is important to us today?”

► The “Rapbuddies” project, which makes music with young refugees

► The sports club 1. VfL Fortuna Marzahn

► “ZweiDrittel FM”, a podcast from the Berlin juvenile prison in Tegel

But all other projects would have deserved it too. Therefore: vote now and participate! The election runs until October 19. The project with the most votes wins.
