Voorzitter Vlaamse BBB treks to the new part of Els Ampe | Inland

Filip Boone, who is acting as interim leader at the head of the BoerBurgerBelangen (BBB), is moving to the new part of the Ampe.

The BBB was launched in October last year and has the same name as Gezond Burger Geist Vlaanderen (GBVV) and BoerBurgerBelangen. The party reflects the Dutch BoerBurger movement, which will be the largest in the first chamber in 2023. Maar interim-voorzitter Boone treks now from the door to the back. Seeds from a large area of ​​land that also belong to the BBB and GBVV are only available for the U.S. party.

We want to have our own hands because of the insult. “For U always comes to all parliaments, including Europe.” BBB serves voorlopig enkel lijsten in voor the Flemish Parliament.

“Every year you woke up”

“The boeren kunnen geen vijf jaar meer Wachten op nieuw bloed dat het voor hen opneemt. He said that this was a good example of what he said. “The good stikstofakkoord was de druppel,” says Boone. The grandson and the French will serve in the service, the BBB will therefore have to keep the gravel.

Els Ampe withers Boone. “Bij Voor U bepalen de boeren de landbouwagenda. Land bouw en natuur can be opnieuw been zodiac. Laat de boeren boeren.” GBVV and BBB best lists last week from Hun Samenwerking stop te zetten.
