Voorzitter Britse Post Office does not appear on the hallucinant national shame Buitenland

“Ze kwamen overeen om uit te elkaar te gaan met zweizijdse toestemming”, confirms the ministry, the internal location is a vervanger zal aanduiden. Staunton was still in December 2022 before the overheating pressure.

Honderden Britse postmedewerkers will be in 1999 and 2015 veroordeeld voor fraude, omdat he unverklaarbare gates were opgedoken in hun boekhouding. The Britse post legend de blame steevast in the cantoorhouders and not in the new Horizon software system, from the Japanese Fujitsu. The film was released in 1999 and was published in 1999 in the context of ‘Mr Bates vs The Post Office’. In 2019, the British law bank that the software program “bugs, bugs and defects” will be veroorzaakt.

The onterecht veroordeelden will now have a right to pay damages to the tune of 600,000 pounds (or 700,000 euros), according to the regering-Sunak al aan.
