Vooruit wants to “build a dam against…” in West Flanders

In Bruges, the choice of current councilor Pablo Annys as party leader is striking.

Pablo Annys, Flemish Parliament list leader for Vooruit: “It was indeed quite a surprise for myself when Connor and Melissa asked me that. But I said yes enthusiastically. I see the consequences of Flemish policy on our people every day, including on ours. in Bruges. Longer waiting lists for childcare, affordable housing and also in the field of elderly care.”

Rousseau himself explains the choice of new Bruges MP Annys and not the experienced Annick Lambrecht.

“Because we are growing, we can also take 2 people from Bruges to parliament. We have Pablo for the Flemish parliament, but we will also include Annick Lambrecht, who is in the Flemish parliament, in our story. We will take her with us third place to the Chamber.”

Lambrecht moves from Het Vaams Parliament to the chamber and has to compete from 3rd place.
