Vooruit wants to approve nitrogen plan Demir

Vooruit wants to approve nitrogen plan Demir

“But you should not give the impression that we would enter the government, the coalition agreement is far too bad for that,” he immediately added.

Now that the spring break is over, Flemish Prime Minister Jan Jambon is once again looking for a nitrogen agreement. Two weeks ago no agreement could be reached and Jambon held ultimate consultations with the chairmen of government parties N-VA, CD&V and Open VLD.

It is incomprehensible to Vooruit chairman Rousseau that the government has not yet succeeded in reaching agreement. “If you look at education, at childcare, at care, this does not seem to me to be the most important dossier from a social point of view. If this is not resolved, this will be the bankruptcy of this Flemish government, which has not had a good ride yet,” said him in the morning.

Exchange majority

As Minister Demir’s proposal now stands, Vooruit would co-approve it, Rousseau said. “We always vote in good conscience, and on this point we would vote for her plans. I haven’t been contacted yet, but we always vote where our convictions lie. Flemish MP for Vooruit Bruno Tobback has always said in the committee that this file is not properly addressed by the Prime Minister and the Flemish government, but the content of this file – public health, the environment and good compensation for the farmers – that’s what we’re there for.”

Rousseau immediately noted that the term ‘turning majority’ could give the impression that his party wants to enter government, but that cannot be the case, he says. “The coalition agreement is far too bad for that. But let’s also be honest: those who say they stand up for the agricultural sector don’t always help those people. Because if no agreement is reached, there is a threat of a license stop, which will affect the entire sector. will come to a standstill. And if you want to stop that standstill, you have to dare to make an agreement and give those people perspective on compensation and on a future framework.”

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