Vooruit takes to the streets of Hulste

Vooruit takes to the streets of Hulste

In our region there are about 1300 homeless people, of which 141 are children. And that’s writing on the wall. Many people also fall by the wayside in West Flanders: “Just this week we found people in Harelbeke who are staying in a garage, also people who are staying in an illegal container and also someone who is staying in a cellar. If you see what the rent prices are today, the energy prices, now also the prices of food, you see that a number of people are having a harder time,” said Alain Top, mayor of Harelbeke.

More vacancies and more unemployment

In West Flanders, too, more and more vacancies are not filled. Thousands of vacancies are open and at the same time thousands of people are stuck in unemployment. Melissa Depraetere, party leader of Vooruit in the federal parliament: “That match between the two does not happen enough. We want to provide stronger guidance and indeed if there is no result after two years, make a concrete offer of a basic job and if that is refused, then will be sanctioned.”

In addition, Vooruit also wants a tax reform in which the burden on labor shifts to the burden on income.
