Vooruit once again asks for basic electricity package for every family: discount of 123 euros per year | Energy prices

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The party wants the Flemish government to spend 356 million euros on a basic electricity package for every family. Every household would receive 200 KWh annually for free. “We explicitly opt for a fixed number of kWh per invoice, regardless of the number of family members. After all, the consumption of many energy-consuming appliances such as a refrigerator, television or oven is just as high for singles as for families,” the party argues.

Furthermore, Vooruit again asks for the indexation of rents to be capped. An intervention that would cost the Flemish government nothing. The party also repeats the request to index the child benefit and the care budget for severely dependent people. That costs 555 and 144 million euros respectively.

Watch the studio conversation of Conner Rousseau at VTM NIEUWS about energy measures below:

There should also be a social energy fund for the self-employed. In this way, companies would be compensated for part of the increase in energy bills. A measure that, according to Vooruit, would cost 100 million euros.

In total, the package of proposals amounts to a cost of 1.155 billion euros. According to Vooruit, this could be financed by the extra money that the Flemish government receives as a result of inflation.
