Voorschoten train accident: this is how you can now travel from Zoetermeer to Leiden, Schiphol or Amsterdam by public transport

Do you often take the train to Leiden or Amsterdam for work? Or are you going to Schiphol by train soon? Then pay close attention. Due to the major train accident in Voorschoten on Tuesday morning, no trains run between The Hague Central Station and Leiden Central.

Just past Voorschoten station, a train derailed after a collision on Tuesday 4 April at half past four. At that time, work was being done on the track. One person died in the accident and several people were injured. In addition, the track is damaged.

No trains

There will be no trains between Leiden and The Hague in the coming days because the track needs to be repaired and the cause of the accident is still being investigated. NS expects this to last at least until 05:00 on Tuesday 11 April.

From Zoetermeer to Leiden

Arriva bus 400 leaves for Leiden Central from the Zoetermeer bus stops Centrum West, Woonhart, Binnenpark and Meerpolder. Within half an hour you are in Leiden, where you can take the train to Schiphol and Amsterdam.

An alternative is to travel with tram 3, 4 or 34 from Zoetermeer to stop Den Haag Laan van NOI. From there, trains run to Schiphol and Amsterdam.

Good to know

Stop buses run between The Hague Mariahoeve, Voorschoten, De Vink and Leiden Central. Travelers between Leiden and Hoofddorp will also notice the consequences of the train accident. Fewer sprinters drive on that route, which can cause a delay of about fifteen minutes. For the most recent travel information check the website of NS.
