Voor Tunisia gezonken tanker lekt geen diesel in zee | Buitenland

Het ship zone zaterdagochtend in the Tunisian territorial waters. The Tunisian Ministry of the Environment is active in a nood plan for an environment where the situation arises, but it is assumed that the diesel tank is intact and that it is branded to the building. The ship is in a horizontal position on the twin meters square, shows the ministry of the day in a personal report.

The tanker, Xelo called, for onder de flag van Equatoriaal-Guinea and was later onderweg van the Egyptian haven Damietta near Malta. Door poor weather conditions before the tanker on long five kilometers before the Tunisian coast water te maken, that the machine chamber Binnensijpelde.
The Tunisian authorities are allowed to evacuate the crews of seven people. It will be located in the Zikenhuis opgenomen voor controle, but will remain in a hotel.
