Volunteers have a chance to win The Compliment of Drenthe again

As of today, a new round of Hét Compliment van Drenthe will start. Every group of volunteers, from small to large, has a chance to win an amount of 3,000 euros.

“With The Compliment of Drenthe, the province wants to show appreciation for all volunteers in Drenthe. And there are a lot of them,” says Evelien Mulder of the organizing CMO STAMM. “As of today, volunteer organizations can register. They have a month to do so. After that, the jury will nominate five organizations.”

On 7 December, on National Volunteer Day, the winner will be announced during a festive gathering at the provincial government building. “That organization receives the amount of money. And they can decide for themselves how they will spend this prize,” says Mulder. “By the way, all participating organizations receive something, so it pays to sign up anyway.”

Last year, Stichting Ouderenvervoer Norg won the 3,000 euros. “It went a bit strange, because it was corona time. We were watching the election behind a screen and had no idea what it would yield,” says chairman Cor Haan of the Norger foundation. “And then suddenly the deputy came with the announcement that we had won. That was really a surprise.”

Stichting Ouderenvervoer Norg could use the prize money very well. “With us, money doesn’t grow on the bumpers,” laughs Haan. “So we have tried to keep the rates as low as possible and with an extra donation that will of course work a bit better. And maybe we can drive electric in the future.”

As of today, organizations can register for The Compliment of Drenthe on the website of the province. This year there is extra attention for the theme ‘positive health’.
