Volunteers accompany the elderly to Concertgebouw Brugge

Volunteers accompany the elderly to Concertgebouw Brugge

This way people can enjoy culture, and at the same time get back among people. And it visibly pleases them. Volunteers Bruno and Mieke from Vier het Leven have brought Thérèse with them. It’s hard for her to get here otherwise, tonight she’s in the perfect company. Thérèse: “A world opens up for me here. That concert: I don’t know anything about classical music, but I really like to hear it. I am enchanted by that.”

Celebrate Life works with volunteers. The Concertgebouw mainly found this with its own audience: this season they are bringing people here two to three times a month who would otherwise not be able to get here. “We make sure they find their place here, we collect the tickets, escort them to their seats and stay with them so that they always have someone to fall back on if they need anything. And afterwards we have a drink together and we talk about what they have experienced,” says volunteer Bruno Uten.

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