Volunteer organizations in Drenthe have a chance to win The Compliment of Drenthe again

Registration for the prize ‘The compliment of Drenthe’ is open again. The initiative is organized by the province of Drenthe and is intended to put volunteers in Drenthe in the spotlight. Organizations can register until September 30.

This year the theme is ‘Equal Opportunities’. “It does not matter where you were born, everyone deserves equal opportunities for the future. I am very proud of the many volunteers in Drenthe who ensure that residents can participate in society. They are indispensable for villages, districts and neighborhoods Together we are working on a social and lively province of Drenthe,” says deputy Yvonne Turenhout.

“An independent jury looks very closely at the link with the theme. Whether you are committed to a vulnerable group that is struggling is very important,” emphasizes spokesperson Evelien Mulder.

The prestigious prize will be awarded on 7 December. No coincidence, because then it is the ‘Day of the volunteer’ in the Netherlands. Before that, there is a whole selection procedure that precedes it. The winner eventually goes home with a check worth three thousand euros, which can be used for the association.
