Volt tumbles in new poll | Inland

The setback must come as a shock to Volt. At the end of last month, the European party accounted for no less than 12 percent of the Amsterdam votes, of which 7 percent remains, notes the pollster who, on behalf of D66, put the thermometer in the Amsterdam voter.

Volt has ended up in a publicity nightmare after MP Gündoğan wants to challenge her suspension in court for complaints about transgressive behavior.

In the new Amsterdam poll, De Hond also registers an extra percentage point for the VVD (12 percent). D66 is also on the rise with an extra percentage point. The party can count on the most votes with 16 percent.

Party leader Van Dantzig: “This poll shows again that D66 can really become the biggest in the coming elections. That is good news for all those people who long for a reasonable and realistic city government that comes up with ambitious solutions to the housing, climate and opportunity crisis. But we are not there yet, so we will be campaigning for the future of Amsterdam for another three weeks.”

Other parties

GL was good for 20 percent in 2018, but remains at 11 percent, compared to 10 percent at the end of January. The party still seems to be looking for a story in the campaign. Party leader Groot Wassink is now targeting other parties, such as the SP, and is now angry that the socialists want to discuss the downside of labor migration.

“Wage dump, nuisance in some neighborhoods and exploitation of Eastern European workers. Rather be silent. In fact, the big money gets a stamp of approval from the boss of GL Amsterdam,” SP leader Flentge points out.

JA21 also has to frown. “The Marxist left thus provides big business with cheap forces. These are strange times!”, notes party chairman Nanninga.
