Volleyball: Women’s playoffs, Cuneo wins the derby and brings Novara to beauty

Pistola’s team airs a great comeback in the first set. Decisive Degrade

Cuneo extends the playoff quarter series to game 3. The “cats”, aware of not having shown the character and determination that have distinguished them throughout the season at Pala Igor, have left no stone unturned and were right by beating for 3-1 Novara, subdued with its main guns, especially the Karakurt. It was December 26, 2018 and over 4,600 spectators attended the championship match that saw the Cuneo team beat Igor Gorgonzola at the tie-break, inflicting their first defeat of the season on the leaders Novara: so far it was the only victory over Novara. Cuneo has done it again and goes to play for his stay in the playoffs in game 3, in Novara.

Cuneo-Novara 3-1 (25-22, 22-25, 25-21.25-15)

Equilibrium in the early points with Cuneo taking the lead (5-4) thanks to Degradi and the block to one of Squarcini on the Bosetti, then the Karakurt begins to fuel up (9-11). Novara decides to accelerate: walls and the ace of Chirichella, we arrive quickly at 12-17. Coach Pistola changes the diagonal (inside Zanette and Agrifoglio). The music does not change: still the Karakurt wall for 14-21, Signorile and Gicquel return to the field.

Enter Kuznetstova

Kuznetstova enters for Giovannini and scores the first point: 18-21. Degradi beats hard, Squarcini for 19-21. Herbots enters for Bosetti. Squarcini’s wall again on Chirichella: 20-21 and this time Lavarini’s time out. The equal 21 is “pulled” by the blow of Kuznetstova and the ace of Degradi marks the advantage: 22-21. Two consecutive walls, by Squarcini (6 points for her, including 4 walls) and Kuznetsova: 24-21. Hancock’s serve out makes the Cuneo sports hall explode: 25-22 despite the 12 points between Karakurt and Daalderop. Novara makes 6 point errors. Great balance in the second set with Lavarini inserting Herbots in place of Karakurt. In the Bosca Jasper gives breath to Degradi. Cuneo holds the partial advantage for half (15-19, 15-13). When the Degradi returns it is irrepressible (5 points) and the “cats” also arrive at 22-20. It is at this point that Novara takes out its weapons: Hancock hits a lot, Karakurt returns and his lob is worth 22-24. Closes Hancock with the ace: 22-25 and 1 even set. Third set: Novara starts strong (1-5), Cuneo doesn’t fit and comeback with Gicquel (3-6 and 5-7). In the turn of service of Signorile the equalizer and the overtaking with two consecutive points of the French opposite of Cuneo (10-9). Hancock returns to hurt the serve (ace of 10-11). Balance phase that leads to 17 equal, with Zanette and Agrifoglio on the pitch for Bosca, the hosts gain a small advantage (20-18). Back the field the diagonal Gicquel – Signorile, the ace of Degradi and Squarcini (4 points with 2 walls) scare Igor who has only 26% in attack (22-19), Kuznetsova scores 24-21. Degradi strongly calls the ball to the Signorile, is served and scores 25-21 (2 sets to 1 for Cuneo). Fourth set: after the great block by Gicquel (6-5), Cuneo gains confidence (ace Degradi, block on Washington and coach Lavarini changes setter and opposite: inside Battistoni and Herbots and Bosca grinds points: 12-6 (Gicquel). Another diagonal change for Cuneo, Degradi scores 15-8 and Zanette returns: 16-8. Cuneo does not give up and never lets the balls fall to the ground: 20-11 with the return to the field of Gicquel and Signorile. Squarcini for the 21-12, Cuneo is in a hurry to close and coach Pistola asks for calm. Karakurt’s attack and point number 22 (at 15) for the hosts are out. Muro di Signorile on Bonifacio: 24-15, Stufi closes 25- 15 and it’s a big party at the Cuneo sports hall.
