Volleyball women’s playoffs, Conegliano-Scandicci the first semifinal. Monza awaits Novara or Cuneo

Only one quarter-final goes to the beautiful: Savino del Bene passes to Bust of strength, Florence can do nothing against Egonu and her companions

Only one quarter-final goes to beauty in the women’s playoffs. And it is the Novara-Cuneo derby that after the match won by the Cuneo players (Tuesday) will be played on Saturday evening (20.30) to complete the picture of the 4 semifinalists. Conegliano will challenge Scandicci, while Monza awaits the winner of the Novara clash.

Busto Arsizio-Scandicci 0-3 (14-25, 18-25, 15-25)

In race-2 of the quarters, an authoritarian Savino del Bene Scandicci – dragged by an unstoppable Antropova (mvp and top scorer with 25 points) – files the practical qualification in Busto, still winning in three sets on a bruised Unet e-work but too submissive. In front of the 2000 Arena e-work, with the teams in the field on the notes of “Imagine” complete with a banner “Living life in peace”, the Tuscans immediately start on the right foot, doubling their busts, pierced early (8-16) from the attacks of Antropova, Natalia and Pietrini, as well as from the walls of Alberti (19 points for the four Barbolini musketeers). The first set, with little history, ends 14-25 in 22 ‘on the long serve by Argentina’s Uyba Mayer, making his home debut. Without the injured Poulter and with Monza (inserted in the middle of the second set) and Bosetti (alternating from the start to Ungureanu) in half service, Musso’s butterflies try to cling to the game (Gray signs on 12-12). But Malinov and his teammates have an extra gear and stretch again: the block – the seventh of the team – of an unstoppable Antropova (12 points in the fraction with 64% in attack) is worth 18-25 in 26 ‘. Overwhelmed in all fundamentals, Unet soon raises the white flag (2-7). And for Scandicci, after the 3-0 at PalaRialdoli, an encore is served: Pietrini’s 15-25 in 26 ‘(second best scorer with 14 points) puts an end to a game that has never been questioned, dominated from start to finish by Savino del Bene (13-1 the walls in favor of the Tuscans). For Busto, with his worst performance at home, the season ends, with Mingardi, Stevanovic, Poulter and Gray making their last appearance in the red and white jersey. (Mattia Brazelli Lualdi)

Florence-Conegliano 0-3 (17-25, 22-25, 23-25)

Conegliano full speed ahead. Two races are enough to liquidate the Florence case. Palazzo Wanny is conquered by the Panthers with a more than deserved 3-0. Il Bisonte did what he could but the difference in values ​​was seen on the pitch. Conegliano loses a protagonist at the start, because Fahr gets injured (she touched her right knee for a long time) and leaves the pitch in tears. Folie enters his place. Accident at the plant aside, Santarelli’s team starts at a thousand per hour, gaining four points ahead of their opponents (7-11). Florence suffers because it is unable to read Wolosz’s lifts which, in turn, triggers Plummer, Sylla, Egonu and his own plants. And it is one of these, De Kruijf who achieves the ace of 17-25 which gives the advantage to the Panthers. In the second set, Santarelli confirms the same formation that finished the first fraction, while Bellano opts for Sylves in the center instead of Graziani. The music, however, does not change, at least in the initial stages. Two errors in a row by Egonu and Plummer put the fate of the partial back on track (12-12). Prosecco Doc Imoco extends until 12-16, but Florence manages to return below until 20-20. Wolosz relies on Egonu to bring his team to 21-24 before and 22-25 after. The national Paolona, ​​when needed, is confirmed as a sentence. Il Bisonte puts all his will into it to be able to keep up with the yellow and blue; finds points with Knollema and also finds the first advantage of the match at 16-15 following an error by Egonu. After two sets like this, Nwakalor also comes to life and is constantly sought by Cambi. But when it really counts, the stars come out, in this case Wolosz and Egonu. Finally, De Kruijf puts his big hands on the wall to block Nwakalor and bring his team to the semifinals of the playoffs. Instead, the season in Florence ends, the loose cannon of the championship, a team that has alternated great feats, such as winning in Conegliano in the regular season, with sudden blackouts. (Stefano Del Corona)

Chieri-Monza 1-3 (23-25, 23-25, 25-23, 19-25)

The curtain falls on the Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri season which, at the end of a hard-fought match 2, gives 1-3 to Vero Volley Monza. A decidedly different film from that of Game 1, where the girls of coach Bregoli were able to start from their strengths, while on the other side of the net Monza played an excellent game. Chieri has a positive impact at the start of the first set with an extension already on 3-0, but immediately leaving room for the recovery of Monza. A partial played in fact almost everything in perfect balance … two teams that study each other without letting the opponent escape. Despite the foulness of the guests from nine meters, in the end it is Van Hecke who closes the score at 23-25, after the hosts had canceled a set ball. The second set begins with reversed parts: Monza opens at 4-1 and Chieri manages to return to 7-7. After finding a small extension in the central part, the games return to perfect balance in the last part. This time it is Chieri who has to deal with too many errors in the service, which facilitate the opponents. As in a dejavù, after having canceled a set ball, the biancoblùs yield 23-25 ​​with a final winning diagonal signed also by Van Hecke. At 0-3 of the third set, coach Bregoli already stops the game. And once again, however, the Chieri team demonstrates all its determination and level of play, reopening the set on 8 all. A partial that turns into a swing of advantages and disadvantages without either team being able to break the delay. Chieri uses two aces in the final part of the set and, pushed by a fiery PalaFenera, wins the set 25-23. Start a photocopy of the fourth set for the formation of Gaspari who, after the initial advantage of 1-4, finds himself again in a tie at 4-4. As in the previous sets, both coaches make full use of the turnover on the pitch of their respective rosters. In the central part of the set, however, Monza is the one that demonstrates the most solidity and energy of play and thus manages to completely break the balance, building a gradually increasing advantage even on +6. Advantage that he will keep until the end, thus closing sets, matches and quarter-finals at 19-25. Chieri’s feat last season, capable of extending the series in Race 2 and against the same opponent, does not arrive this time. The spell is interrupted and midnight strikes for a team that in the regular season has been able, for the second season in a row, to confirm an excellent sixth position and great maturity on the part of everyone. Monza, with the last reinforcements and under the competitive push of coach Gaspari in the first place, aims for the semifinals (and perhaps even beyond) waiting to find out who will be his opponent between Novara and Cuneo (the only challenge that will be decided only on the beautiful). Lise Van Hecke could only raise the MVP prize thanks to her 20 points on the scoresheet. (Gabriele Giovine)
