Volleyball, women’s A-1: ​​Monza beats Cuneo and extends in the standings

Gaspari’s team folds the Piedmontese and makes the Mvp of the Games debut, Larson

Monza restarts after the knockout of Cremona and clearly beats Cuneo 3-0. Gaspari’s girls are not the brightest version, but they are very concrete thanks to the stratospheric performance of Stysiak, a 22-point MVP. Of note is the debut of Jordan Larson (7 points), immediately at ease and incisive in particular in the third fraction.

Monza-Cuneo (25-23 25-21 25-20)

For Cuneo, a good first set thanks to Gicquel (13 at the end), but the team, which works well on the block, has little from the attack. Gaspari, with Larson on the scoresheet (out Zakchaiou for the limit of 6 foreigners) starts with Orro-Stysiak diagonally, Davyskiba-Lazovic crushers, Danesi-Rettke in the center, Parish free. For Pistola there is Signorile in the direction opposite to Gicquel, Stufi and Caruso in the band, Stufi and Caruso (Squarcini indisposed) at the center with Spirito libero. From the beginning it is a challenge between opposites, with Stysiak and Gicquel protagonists. Monza a bit foul, but from 7 all is the first to try to escape, and takes advantage of the guests’ mistakes (3 in a row) to extend up to 21-15. It seems done, but Degradi, with 3 points (2 aces) reopens the set (22 all), before the closing of Davyyskiba 25-23.

Larson debut

Stysiak still frenzied in the 6-2 opening the fraction (4 points of the Pole), but it is a flash in the pan because Cuneo overtakes (7-8) with 3 points of Degradi. Still the opposite of home for a counter-break of the premises that is worth 13-10. Larson’s debut (inside for Lazovic), Orro distributes his attacks well and even puts himself on his own (3 points with an ace) and the locals keep the advantage, lengthening in the final with the only two mistakes of the guests. Closes Larson for 25-21 which is worth 2-0. Third set more balanced, but the Monza defense wall begins to work and Cuneo does not manage to have much in attack. Larson gets more and more confidence, but it is always Styisiak who plays a game of his own, scoring 8 of the last 16 points of the Monza team. Lazovic’s block (25-20) establishes the 3-0 which confirms Monza at the top.
