Volleyball: the Italian national teams in audience with Pope Francis ‘Emotions and teamwork’

Almost 200 athletes from the Holy Father to celebrate a historic year of Italian volleyball. Giannelli: “They are very strong sensations”

A record-breaking 2022 for the Italian national volleyball teams who were received, together with the federal staff, by Pope Francis in a private audience in the Clementine hall of the Apostolic Palace. A delegation of almost two hundred athletes took part in this extraordinary meeting. Eleven medals in one year. From the victory of the World Cup by De Giorgi’s national team (7 wins out of 7 matches) to the world bronze and gold in the VNL of Mazzanti’s women’s national team. To these successes are added a string of European gold medals by the national youth teams. A record that will be difficult to surpass.

Pride and Emotions

Pope Francis thanked all the athletes and staff, in particular the President Giuseppe Manfredi, for the results obtained, placing the emphasis on the concept of team and in particular on the importance of each individual member. The Holy Father then addressed an appeal to the athletes, emphasizing the responsibility they have towards the young people who are inspired by them. In closing, he urged athletes to stay away from the “temptation” of doping, as this only creates false illusions. “It was a great emotion – says Simone Giannelli, captain of the men’s national team – I am honored and proud to have taken part in all this and I think it is a day that will remain forever in our hearts”. In the words of the Pope: “As sportsmen we have a great responsibility, that of handing down the right values ​​to the kids who approach our sport”. Also for Alessandro Michieletto “it was a very strong emotion, never felt before. We are very proud and happy of the opportunity given to us by the Holy Father and we have listened to every thousandth of a second to learn something from a wonderful person”. “It’s not something that happens every day – says Ofelia Malinov, setter of the national team – and we are really proud to have participated in all this”. On the words of his Holiness: “I was very pleased that the Holy Father reminded us that we play sports to have fun and that we are an example for many young people who look at us. Playing while having fun is the basis of everything and when this is there, the rest follows by itself”. For Ferdinando De Giorgi, coach of the senior men’s national team “We experienced something special. Every single element pushed up simultaneously and was instrumental in hitting the target. The concept of group is something very important, the value aspects lay the foundations on which to build everything else. We have put the value of the shirt at the center which makes you think not only of your ego but of what you represent”. “What these guys have done is something exceptional – affirms President Manfredi – and it is proof that we have done an excellent job. The federation is made up of over 4,000 clubs and what has been done by our national teams fills me with pride”. The President then recalled that Italy will host the next continental event, for men and women, in nine Italian cities, with the aim of promoting volleyball throughout the country.
