Volleyball, Superlega: Modena breaks through Milan and relaunches itself for the race for third place

Abdel-Aziz leads the Emilians to success at the tie break. Protagonist Nimir Abdel Aziz with 23 points

Milan-Modena 2-3 (25-21, 25-21, 25-21, 27-25, 10-15)

Modena struggles but in the end the Allianz Cloud breaks through in the recovery of the 11th return day. For Giani’s team it is the fifth victory out of six in races that ended at the tie break. Emilians who relaunch after the knockout with Perugia (always in the 5th set) while for Milan a small slowdown in the playoff race that sees it reach Monza in 5th place but with 2 fewer games than in Vero Volley. For Modena, two points that relaunch it in the race to 3rd place with Trento now having 4 points of advantage but one more race.

Piazza’s team had a better start, managing to put the various Ngapeth, Leal and Rossini in difficulty. From the second set Modenese reaction that brought himself back 2-1 but in the 4th set he paid some mistakes too much in the partial final. At the tie break came the greatest experience of the guests who closed the match. Top scorer of the match the opposite of Modena Nimir Abdel Aziz, expected ex. The Dutchman finished the race with 23 points.
