Volleyball, race 2 championship final: Conegliano beats Monza

Monza wastes the great opportunity: after going over 2-0 in the sets, it is seen recovering until the final 3-2. Race 3 Saturday evening

by our correspondent Valeria Benedetti

May 3

Monza-Conegliano 2-3 (25-23, 25-23, 16-25, 20-25, 10-15)

Monza surrenders, after another volleyball marathon, but never as this time the tricolors were on the verge of falling. But Conegliano came out of a very complicated situation, when it found itself down 0-2 in the second championship game. A comeback worthy of the coat of arms of Santarelli’s team. Who now goes back to his house (Saturday), but with a completely different spirit. Gaspari sends Orro van Hecke, Rettke-Danesi, Larson-Davyskiba, Parish Church to the field. Santarelli responds with Wolosz-Egonu, De Kruijff-Folie, Plummer-Sylla, De Gennaro. First set immediately signed Monza that starts with great determination, takes advantage of a couple of errors by Sylla and Egonu and builds an advantage of +5 on 13-8. Santarelli puts Courtney for a sylla in difficulty and Egonu builds the overtaking alone until 15-16. The Imoco also uses Caravello in the second line for Folie to adjust the reception while Orro shows off the feeling with Danesi and looks for openings for his forwards. In the final it is Van Hecke who closes the decisive point of the Monza advantage. In the second set the Imoco no longer makes the mistake of letting Monza escape. More reactive in defense, she begins to grind the game with Egonu and the power stations and keeps the advantage forcing Monza to force more. Orro passes with Davyskiba from the second and Van Hecke tries to pass the Venetian wall. Danesi from the bar finds the 15 all. Gaspari tries the Stysiak card but it is always Egonu who makes the difference by dragging the tricolors to +3. Monza does not give up and still finds the connection with Stysiak.


In the third, Stysiak is confirmed for Van Hecke while Santarelli re-proposes the duo Sylla Plummer in the band. The race at the beginning does not move from total equilibrium with Davyskiba always continuing the Monza service a little less. Conegliano grows against the wall and reaches +4 again thanks to a mistake by Stysiak. Gaspari shuffles the cards with Van Hecke, Gennari and Candi and then also Lazovic (all starters retired at the end) but the Imoco seems to have found its rhythm (Plummer finally incisive) and maintains and increases the advantage by reopening the game. also the first set ball and Egonu sends out the last ball. The start of the fourth set is all for Conegliano who slips a devastating 7-1 that bends the Lombard resistance. Van Hecke gains experience points but Davyskiba crashes on the Venetian wall and Orro finds his weapons blunt. But Monza faithful to itself does not give up and begins the comeback until reaching -1 with an ace from Orro. Conegliano collects the blow but keeps the advantage finding with Plummer the strength to stretch again. And again Monza comes back on 19-19. Sylla and then Egonu on the wall save Conegliano who closes the comeback. It starts point by point also in the tiebreak, but then the Italian champions find the right key, break and bring home an unexpected success after the first two sets.
