Volleyball, Piano interviews Michieletto: ‘I don’t want to stop dreaming’

The 20-year-old blue: “I want to raise the bar again. The seasons that changed my life. With the club and the national team”

Matteo Piano

March 25
– Milan

Hi Ale, even if I call you Michi: your life has changed a bit in the last year and a half. How would you describe this step?

“Eh, a lot has changed. I would say unexpected. For me it was a succession of emotions, in the last year and a half I arrived in the Super League without thinking about playing and I found myself the owner; the same thing happened to me in blue jersey, the call-up followed by the Nations League as a starter and then the Olympics. I did not have time to realize all this and this was my luck, because not having the time I enjoyed everything so much that I am always remained in the present. I understood what it meant to play with champions of a very high level and playing the Games with a group that had known the Azzurri shirt for some time made me grow. And to understand even more how to be a better athlete. friendship and the relationships that I carry around with many fellow experiences is something that I cherish. I really liked the fact that I felt helped and supported. I was a bit like the kid of that group and, despite not having been the risu Hopefully, I learned so much that I have all those days in my heart. This season I have a different role in the club, I am no longer the “kid”, I have more responsibility, and I like to have it, I have learned to manage it even better having watched so many more experienced players. It is a growth path that I am happy to continue “.

How do you experience this passage and be in the spotlight?

“Let’s say it’s a double-edged sword. It’s cool, it’s the dream of all athletes to read your name when you have achieved goals, but if you stop and praise yourself, you lose yourself. The greatest satisfaction is to hear the boys younger than complimenting me. When I read the messages of esteem from the youngest, I am really pleased because I feel very close to them. And this is also part of a growth process “.

Did you dream about what you are doing now? When in your opinion was the transition from dream to reality?

“Yes, I always dreamed of it. But I never want to stop dreaming because doing so allows me to raise the bar and continue to set goals with a smile and with the joy of reaching them. Then it’s true, the Olympics was the greatest enjoyment that I could achieve compared to my dreams and now I put others in the pipeline (considering that in September he won the European Championship, ed) “.

What would you say to the Alessandro from a few years ago to help him get to where he is now? Is there a “recipe” that other young people could use?

“Without being taken for granted, I think my greatest fortune was the environment. I grew up in a serious environment and had the honor and pleasure of having the first team from Trento as a reference. I had the opportunity to train With them. Having models nearby helps. You try to make the most of them, to learn. I had Lorenzetti who stimulated me and helped me already when I was in the youth academies. To the Alessandro from a few years ago I would say: do not stop dreaming because dreams with a lot of tenacity come true “.

Volleyball has always been around you. Dad, two sisters and your girlfriend, do you follow their paths too? Do you talk about it? Is there healthy competition? Ask for opinions, do they ask you?

“The sisters ask for some opinions, especially the one who is left-handed like me. Often we cheer and look at each other, there is no competition, sometimes some teasing. Let’s not exaggerate in talking about it because otherwise we would become monothematic with all this family volleyball ( laughs, ed). I’m very proud of my sisters and my girlfriend “.

I know your brother plays both soccer and volleyball. Do you feel the volleyball pressure?

“He does not feel the volleyball pressure of the family at all. So much so that he chose football. And thank goodness, we were already too many in the family. He also played volleyball, but he has always preferred football and now he is dedicated to that. I hope for that. him who doesn’t grow as tall as me … I’m really happy with his choice “.

On a day off alone what do you do?

“If you remember I didn’t have a driving license this summer and so now that I have it I can move with much more freedom. It depends if I’m very tired I have a lunch or an aperitif with Maddalena, my girlfriend, otherwise I go to visit my mother in Mantua where my grandmother and my brother are also there and every now and then we have a nice day with the whole family if the rest ” volleyball players and volleyball players Michieletto is free “.

You arrive home and have free evening: what happens?

“It depends if I have the morning off the next day. If yes … So, assuming that I don’t like going out and partying, the popcorn movie is very popular. I also play video games a lot so maybe if I don’t train the next day I take this opportunity to have a nice game night. Anyway, if it’s cold outside, I don’t even go out dead “.

Vacation: with whom and where would you go?

“With Maddalena on an island in Spain or Greece”.

“I’m not crazy about fish, so I don’t tell you about fish …”.

Ah, you want to make me the menu?

(We laugh) “Of course: first pumpkin tortelli and second cut of beef, medium cooking”.

“Baked potatoes and a glass of red wine. And finally … being a fan I tell you a pie with a warm heart of chocolate”.

This is the beauty of Alessandro Michieletto. Indeed, he is the beauty of this volleyball, together with the other arrivals of recent years who have become, without realizing it, the models of the very young. It makes me happy to know that among the many new protagonists we have Italians of this volleyball and human caliber …
