Volleyball: Italy disaster, Poland goes to the Olympics, Italian teams postponed

Mazzanti’s team wastes the impossible and now to go to the Games they must hope to maintain their ranking position

Poland-Italy 3-1 (15-25, 26-24, 25-23, 25-21) Poland goes to Paris for the direct route, taking advantage of Italy’s mistakes and gaining the Olympic pass, while Italy will have to wait until 13 June 2024, on which day the Italians will have to be among the best 3 in the international ranking (among the unqualified obviously) to get a promotion after the remedial exam. It will therefore have to maintain its current position and not leave the top 10 positions. And above all you will have to lick your wounds for a very bitter summer. The most bitter one in a few years which will probably lead to another revolution.

Good start

Lineups announced with coach Stefano Lavarini in full red and white uniform singing the Polish anthem as he started doing this summer. But Italy starts off great, there are several points from Antropova (10 points in the set), but above all the block blocks all the Polish attackers (Danesi scores 3 alone) who also suffer from a certain nervousness (Lodz was all for They). Lavarini puts Wolosz on the field, but the result doesn’t change, in fact Italy leads the set with extreme ease. Wolosz remains on the court at the start of the second set: with the teams never straying too far, maximum two points. Italy arrives first 23-21, but does not know how to cope and wastes the advantage badly. Stysiak is decisive in the final balls and the set ends with the ball still in play when Lavarini senses a touch from Danesi’s goal and asks for a video check at the right time. He scores a draw. Italy must start again from scratch. But the Italians don’t get depressed, on the contrary: they push hard in their serve and attack and find themselves 11-6 above. But it wasn’t the decisive escape, despite Fersino’s good defenses. The hosts are still one step away: 13-14. Another break for the Italians up to 20-17, but Poland doesn’t give up with Lukasik and Italy commits suicide once again on the finishing line, thanks also to poor management of the attack. In the fourth set Mazzanti goes for broke, takes away Pietrini who in truth had been the best attacker in the lost set and also sends Degradi and Gennari onto the court to try to vary the game more. Poland starts well and takes a break lead. Italy would still have the possibility, but did not finalize it. And now Poland puffs out its chest and enjoys the (deserved) qualification, but must thank Italy for this evening’s gifts.
