Volleyball, Cups: Monza and Scandicci celebrate in Europe

Vero Volley and Savino Del Bene, after the clear successes of the first leg, were repeated in the second leg raising the trophies

First two victories of the season in Europe for Italy, waiting for the Champions League finals, where Conegliano has already arrived (in the women) and one between Perugia and Trento in the men.

Tours-Monza (24-26, 18-25, 18-25) The Cev cup is from Monza. Eccheli’s boys only needed to win the first two sets of the return final against Tours, in the bedlam of the Salle Robert Grenon, soon silenced by the team’s capital performance, embellished by Davyskiba’s first set and 6 walls in the second (Galassi’s 3) . It ends 0-3, on a field where no one had won this year, with 16 points from Davyskiba and 11 from Grozer. For the Tours, 11 by Leandro Aracaju. Eccheli starts with Orduna-Grozer diagonally, Beretta-Galassi central, Dzavoronok-Davyskiba spikers and Gaggini (technical choice) free. Fronckowiak replies by deploying Coric in the direction opposite Derouillon, Tillie and Palonsky in the band, Leandro Aracaju and Teryomenko in the center with Perry free. Tours with Brazilian traction at the start (10-7 with 4 by Graciano and 3 by Leandro Aracaju). From 14-10, Monza responds with Davyskiba (5 points with a block and an ace) and it is 18-20. Teams arm in arm, with Monza polished but Tours engraving on the wall. On the second attempt Davyskiba (8 points in 6 attacks) closes 24-26 for 0-1. Tours stunned despite the heat of his arena, and again the Belarusian pushes his (2-5) but the locals respond (12-9). Beretta (4 points) leads the comeback (13-15). The locals are a well-played boxer because Monza still dominates against the wall as in the first leg (6 in the fraction, 3 in Galassi). Derouillon enters, but it is not enough, because the French no longer pass. Closes a wall of the central blue for 18-25 that closes the speech (0-2) and gives the Cev Cup, the first trophy of the men’s team. In the third set wide to the second lines, but does not change the subject, ends 18-25 for the perfect evening in Monza.

Scandicci 3-0 Tenerife (25-12, 25-12, 25-10) A historic evening for Scandicci, the one that brings the first European trophy to the Florentine club and the first ever of the Nocentini management. The Challenge Cup, the third continental club competition, ends up on the bulletin board after an away triumph in the Canaries and a match literally dominated at home (3-0). Driven by a large audience and also under the gaze of the Fiorentina coach, Vincenzo Italiano, the home team immediately began its ride to the cup. The opponents are unable to contain Pietrini and Antropova and respond only with good combinations in the center, as well as the first leg of the rest. The Scandiccese monologue continues inexorably with Alberti’s repeating walls and the final point of 25-12 by Lubian. With the starting team, Scandicci continues to dominate even in the second set. To consolidate and expand the advantage, Barbolini also calls Camera and Lippmann into question, who are fully doing their duty. At 24-12, Savino Del Bene finds herself having 12 set-points which are also 12 balls to win the trophy. And at the first opportunity, the decisive point immediately arrives with a big wall from Antropova. Done the task, space also for those who have played less in the season, or Bartolini in the center (for Alberti) and Napodano as free instead of Castillo. The music on the pitch doesn’t change, Pietrini doesn’t miss a beat, Tenerife is stunned. The walkway continues and also Bia and Sorokaite and shortly after Angeloni find the playground. Scandicci triumphs 3-0 and celebrates with its own people.
