Volleyball: Conegliano suffers but beats Milan and wins game-1 in the championship final

The tricolors start the series well, despite the difficult evening of their forwards. Vero Volley goes over twice, but is overcome

Conegliano-Milan 3-2 (23-25, 25-23, 23-25, 25-19) Conegliano once again stronger than everything and everyone. He suffers, goes down not once but twice, but in the end he breaks the encirclement of Vero Volley and conquers the first Italian point. Mindful of the feat of a year ago, Vero Volley starts off brilliantly and in an amen he makes a monstrous break: 18-8. It seems like the appetizer to a winning ride from Milan, but Conegliano doesn’t agree too much. He records the reception and manages to partially stem Thompson. With Haak in attack and the block sews up one point at a time until it reaches 22-22. But here the Imoco strangely gets stuck and Vero Volley closes with the last flicker. Santarelli’s Italian champions recover in the second fraction even if they are unable to dominate Milan which, on the contrary, always remains in the wake of the home team. A couple of points at most with Haak responding blow for blow to Thompson in the big evening on the other side. Reception is Conegliano’s Achilles heel who skids on more than one occasion up to 24-23 while all of Palaverde is standing up to support Wolosz and teammates, before Plummer finds the right ball to equalize the set count. While Begic has now permanently taken the place of Sylla.

Tuesday race-2

In the third set Gaspari leaves Begic on the court and inserts Rettke from the beginning of the set. Conegliano is not the usual ruthless machine seen in the past, the sentence to win sometimes weighs heavily and a week without games perhaps didn’t do the tricolors any good, as they go 2-3 points higher, but are unable to take off. So when the set arrives in the home stretch Vero Voley puts the arrow in the right moment and passes by mocking Conegliano who gives away the set with a ball out of Haak the stronger player than him. Always super Thompson who lands 8 points in the set. The fourth set goes back and forth again and remains in balance until halfway through, then Conegliano rips and the tie is restored. Gaspari also sends Sylla back into the field, but the story doesn’t change. Haak is in trouble, but Marina Lubian takes care of making the difference: she signs 7 points 7 in the partial with 71% in attack. Conegliano is still alive. We go to the tiebreak. Which begins point-to-point, with Thompson sweeping across the net. But Conegliano isn’t Conegliano by chance and one point at a time he snatches the lead from his rivals before going on to win race-1. The second appointment is already in Monza on Tuesday, before returning to the Palaverde on Thursday for the third challenge.
