Volleyball, Conegliano and Milan win in the Champions League and are already in the quarterfinals

Imoco slips in the 18th success in a row, it is the best second behind Eczacibasi. Vero Volley overcomes Le Cannet and wins the group

Two Italian teams close the Champions League group. To find out the quarter and eighth draw, we have to wait for the last two matches that will be played in Istanbul

Conegliano-Resovia 3-0 (25-20, 25-17, 25-16) Conegliano finishes in second place among the seeds (therefore the second best first), behind all’Eczacibasi only for points quotient, the group stage of the Champions Leaugue. The victory over Resovia, who in turn passes to the second phase (but will make the round of 16), is the 18th in a row for the Italian champions after the stop against Scandicci two months ago. The minute of silence for the victims of the earthquake in Asia Minor precedes a race that is never really in question. Fahr’s 5 walls in the first set repel the attacks of the Poles, mostly loaded on Kalandadze, and compensate for Haak’s low efficiency (33%). The Swede makes up for it in the second half (8 points, 55% and 2 blocks) and, together with Plummer, becomes a thorn in the side of the away team. Resovia’s attack drops to 22%, 39% is enough for Conegliano. The game is not as fluid and brilliant as on the best days, but the Polish team’s weapons are less sharp. Lubian relieves Fahr in the third set and signs, in collaboration with De Kruijf, the comeback from 7-9 to 12-10. As soon as the panthers pick up the pace, the visiting formation is no longer able to play. A hat-trick by Plummer is worth 16-11 which effectively closes the contest. The Panthers now await the completion of the calendar with matches in Vakifbank and Fenerbahçe next week to know which quarter-final opponents could be. (Mirco Cavallin)

Milan-Le Cannet 3-1 (23-25 ​​26-24 25-18 25-15) Milan wins the clash that is worth the top of the Champions League group standings. Against Volero Le Cannet at the Allianz Cloud ends 3-1, but the match was anything but easy. Gaspari changes it, after two and a half sets of suffering, with the bench, because the entrances of Stysiak and Davyskiba are decisive. MVP is Parochial, returning as owner, while the best scorer among the clubs is Dana Rettke, 14 points like Anna Kotikova. Akimova (21 points) the absolute best of the French, who go down after two good sets. Gaspari, without Camera, starts with Orro-Thompson diagonally, Sylla-Larson spikers, Rettke-Folie in the center, Parochial free. Klasic (who replaced Grsic a few days ago) responds with Kobzar in opposite direction to Akimova, Kotikova-Yaneva in band, Medeiros Da Silva and Kochurina in the center with Wang (ex-Busto) free. Volero gets off to a better start (4-7 with 2 aces from Kotikova and 4 mistakes from the locals), but Milan enters the game with a serve and a block which contributes to the 5-0 which puts their head forward for the first time (10-9) . Orro looks for Thompson and Folie, while Le Cannet doesn’t have the same Akimova as in the first leg (1 block suffered and 2 mistakes in attack) and above all Kobzar is very imprecise and Vero Volley escapes on 22-16. It seems done, but a great Medeiros (5 points with 3 blocks) stops the Lombards, equalizing at 23 and closing 23-25 ​​with Akimova who brings the teammates ahead 0-1. Second set that goes on in jerks, with overtaking and counter-overtaking. On the last break (0-4 for 19-21) Gaspari finished clearing the bench (inside Stysiak, Stevanovic and Davyskiba for Thompson, Folie and Larson): the changes give the attacking energy of the Polish opposite and above all block order (3 of the last 6 points come from that fundamental one) and Milan closes 24-26, evening the score (1-1). Gaspari confirms the team, which starts better (5-2) with Davyskiba on the shields. With Popova taking over from Yaneva, little changes in Volero, which has a noticeable drop in Akimova (1 ground attack in the set). Milan has the best moment and escapes 16-10, but the usual disbandment arrives (18-17) in Kotikova’s best moment. Timeout Gaspari and the Milanese start again with a 7-1 break, closing 25-18 and going ahead 2-1. Milan continues to push and the French, tired, seem to pull the oars in the boat. With Vero Volley ahead 15-8 (and the French very foul, 3 invasions and 6 mistakes up to there) the guests rely on Akimova who shoots the last shots, but it’s not enough and the clubs close 25-15. (Rodolfo Palermo)
