Volleyball, Champions League: Conegliano wins his fourth final

Egonu still driving, for the tricolors lost the first set of this Cup. Monza without escape

Fourth final of the Champions League, the third consecutive. Conegliano has forgotten the period of fogging that had made her lose a few matches or a few sets and crashes Monza in a quarter-final of the Champions League which was valid as a pass for the final (it is still not known where, how and when it will be played).

Conegliano-Monza 3-1 (25-19, 22-25, 25-16, 25-17)

Teams confirmed with respect to the first leg, the one won by Carraro Conegliano 3-0, and the hosts resume exactly the speech interrupted at the Monza Arena and for Vero Volley it is immediately late at night. The first set 11-3 is eloquent. Santarelli’s girls lift their foot off the accelerator towards the end of the first fraction, but essentially the tricolors do not suffer. Gaspari plays the Van Hecke card as the opposite and Davyskiva in place of Gennari: Monza is reborn from 8 to 8 and gets to put together a 5-point advantage. Only Egonu passes, Conegliano suffers, but does not lower his head. Monza recovers one point at a time and is forced to call timeout at 19-21 Monza. The defense of the Veneto makes the difference and the usual Egonu closes (almost) the gap. Vero Volley wins the second set and this is the first set lost by Conegliano in the Champions League this season.


But his competition actually stops there. The lost set unleashes the tricolors that are imposed quite easily even in the third. At this point the game becomes just an academy because it no longer has any value for anyone. The two coaches do a bit of turnover thinking about the next appointments, but Conegliano wins here too. Before the final (with one of the two Turks, Vakif or Fener) the tricolors lost only one set in this Champions League.
