Volleyball Bundesliga: Berlin defeats Friedrichshafen at the start of the intermediate round – volleyball

Against archrival VfB Friedrichshafen, the German champions prevailed 3-1 (25:20, 18:25, 25:22, 25:19) on Saturday evening. In front of 1,452 spectators in the Max-Schmeling-Halle, both teams remained well below their usual level after the long break. In the end he used U.S-American Jeffrey Jendryk with an ace the first match point to victory.

Both teams will meet again on February 2nd in Ulm for the semi-finals of the German Volleyball Cup. The second leg in the intermediate round will take place on February 26th.

Few defensive volleys in the second set

In the first round, after a point from diagonal attacker Marek Sotola, the volleys were able to pull away 16:13 for the second technical time-out. Led by setter Sergej Grankin, the hosts extended this lead to 22:16, in the end Ruben Schott used the second set point. Friedrichshafen, who started without the recently signed libero Nikola Pekovic, was unimpressed. When the Brazilian Daniel Muniz served in the second set, the guests scored an 8-0 point series against volleys that were not very effective at this point, leading to a 19-10 lead.

In the third set, the Berliners regained control of the game, not least thanks to the substitutions of Benjamin Patch and Cody Kessel. At 20:14, the preliminary decision was made in this round, even if VfB was able to shorten the lead again in the end. After that, the BR Volleys kept the opponent at a distance with their whole routine.

Status: 22.01.2022, 22:49


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