Volleyball, A1 women: Conegliano wins again.

After a blackout in the fourth set, the Italian champions win and close the case. Tomorrow Novara-Pinerolo and Vero Volley-Scandacci

Two advances for the third day of the women’s A1 championship. Tomorrow at 5pm Florence-Bergamo, Pinerolo-Novara, Rome-Busto Arsizio. At 5.30pm live on Raisport Milano-Scandicci and at 7.30pm (live on Sky Sport Arena) Casalmaggiore-Trento

Chieri-Conegliano (19-25, 23-25, 25-18, 25-27)

Third victory for Imoco Conegliano against a fierce Chieri. Chieri plays with Malinov-Grobelna, Gray-Zakchaiou in the center, Kingdon-Skinner on the wing with Spirito libero. Santarelli deploys Wolosz-Haak, Lubian-Fahr in the center, and Robinson Cook-Lanier on the wing with De Gennaro free. The first set proceeds in fits and starts until more or less halfway through with the Italians struggling to keep a constant pace and Chieri trying to get in. Then Conegliano puts in the fourth with an extraordinary Lubian (8 points) and an increasingly faster game and closes the set. The second set was very close with Chieri having a decisive block (well done by Gray) and Conegliano struggling to find alternatives. Grobelna and Skinner grow a lot and Conegliano closes the set of experience. Total black out in the fourth set for Conegliano who goes crazy in reception and continues to suffer a lot of blocks. Haak above all struggles and doesn’t have a great day of understanding with Wolosz while Santarelli draws a lot from the bench. Chieri takes advantage of this with Kingdom and Malinov who manages his attackers with ease. Piedmontese also at +7 and set without history. In the fourth the tricolors get back on the right track despite continuing to struggle and close the set.
