Volley Superlega: Perugia dominates, Civitanova bows

The Umbrians in comeback win a match that the tricolors had started well. Herrera decisive for Rychlicki

Perugia continues to score full points and also beats Lube in Civitanova in the second advance of the eleventh day.

Civitanova-Perugia 1-3 (25-20, 25-27, 18-25, 19-25)

The Lube starts well, deploying the diagonal with Garcia and Nikolov-Bottolo of the band. Force a lot to serve the home team and on the wall is attentive and reactive. Perugia struggles to pass but does not get excited. Slowly Rychlicki finds his rhythm and Semeniuk does the usual. The Umbrians hook up but do not find the right gear. De Cecco navigates between Garcia and Nikolov and Lube occasionally hesitates in reception. Perugia continues to have a bland rhythm and lets Lube escape again, closing with an ace from Nikolov. Second set of great balance, played a lot in service with Anastasi who replaces Rychlicki with Herrera and won the advantages from Perugia who brings the game back in balance. The Umbrians confirm Herrera and Sir start strong in the third set but the game proceeds in tears with Lube chasing after managing to mend even breaks of 3-4 points. Service and block give the decisive push to Sir who snatches with Leon, Herrera and Semeniuk and closes. Perugia also ahead in the fourth: the more incisive in service and the more continuous in attack the leaders immediately dig a furrow. Blengini tries the Zaytsev card for Garcia but Lube is no longer able to recover the disadvantage and closes Semeniuk
