Volkswagen is welcome in Neukölln

Volkswagen HR Director Gunnar Kilian in front of the school building

Volkswagen HR Director Gunnar Kilian in front of the school building Photo: Stephanie von Becker

By Stephen Peter

At the TU, Volkswagen is no longer a welcome sponsor; the car company is still allowed to drive up in Neukölln!

The programming school “42 Berlin” was opened on Harzer Strasse.

In the former headquarters of Geyer-Werke (service provider for film technology), 150 international students are now learning everything about software development. The course is free, thanks to sponsors from the business world (including SAP, Microsoft, Bayer).

“42 Berlin”: A look at the new school for software programmers on Harzer Strasse Photo: Stephanie von Becker

VW contributes eleven million euros. “Digital skills are key for us and will become even more important in the future,” says Human Resources Director Gunnar Kilian (47).

In the House of Representatives, Science Senator Ulrike Gote (57, Greens) was asked about the TU management giving in to eco-activists. They demanded that the university library no longer bears the name of the car company (BZ reported).

Gote grumpy: “The TU manages its partnerships independently.”


TU Berlin Ulrike Gote VW
