Voices of Corviale: popular is the opposite of vulgar

Aldo Cazzullo (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

“THEyou were me so ‘kissed co’ Alessandro. Top! As they say in North Rome! (I saw it in a tutorial: How to become a pariolina in ten steps, and I stop at the first, which would be the use of the word top, alternating with the term crazy and I love. For the rest of the points, it takes the deaf , rega ‘… and therefore I have postponed to better times) ».

Chiara’s story is one of the thirty-two “voices of Corviale”as the subtitle of Call Morabitothe beautiful book written by Cecilia Lavatore and published by a small publishing house, the Rogas. Corviale is a city within a city. A single building almost a kilometer long, on the outskirts of Rome.

Born as a Lecorbusian utopia: the housing unit, the linear city, the postmodern community; become a metropolitan nightmare, but also an anthill teeming with life, wit, popular spirit, which is not synonymous with vulgar; it’s the opposite of him. The story of the kiss between Chiara and Alessandro is one of my favorites. But the one of Draga, the gypsy woman, is also noteworthy: «A little bit arthro I put my roots in this courtyard. And considering that I am a nomad, it’s not really mine. What then in reality, if we really want to be precise, this of nomadism is ‘a legend, one of the myths to defeat’ about the Roma. Well, I give you this sensational news: not if we move more! My family, for example one, has only moved once: from Serbia to Italy at the end of the nineties, for the Balkan wars: after which it has always been here, stuck in Rome … ».

Cecilia Lavatore, author of short stories, poems, essays and theatrical texts, collects these voices from Corviale without judgingindeed, bending over the furrow, smiling and crying with the inhabitants of the Serpentone, as they call it in Rome. And the only moral is that of Chiara: «Everyone tells me that I am little and that I will understand when I am older. But who is older, around me, frankly, I really don’t think he has understood anything ».

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