VOC is supreme in the final against SEW; NH Cup back to Amsterdam

VOC has won the final of the NH Cup. The formation of trainer Rachel de Haze was too strong for SEW in the final. In Sporthal De Bloesem in Wognum it eventually became 37-31 for the Amsterdam club.

VOC had won all group matches in the NH Cup last week and went on to the final unbeaten. SEW, in turn, managed to beat fellow provincials VZV and Volendam, so the team from Nibbixwoud was also allowed to participate in the final.


In the final battle, VOC started energetically. The vice national champion quickly ran out to a lead, partly thanks to several consecutive goals from Zola Amsen. On behalf of SEW, Eline Veltrop immediately shot with a sharp shot, but she could not prevent VOC from going into halftime with a large lead: 21-15.

Text continues below the video.

After the interruption, VOC stepped up a gear and partly due to carelessness on the part of SEW, the lead rose to nine points. In the last fifteen minutes of the game, the team of coach Michael Vijverberg was able to somewhat repair the damage, but the victory of VOC was no longer in danger. VOC eventually won with 37-31 and is thus the winner of the NH Cup for the third time in a row.

The consolation final went between VZV and Volendam. Volendam managed to seize third place after penalties.

Watch the final of the penalty shootout series between VZV and Volendam below. A summary of the final between VOC and SEW will follow on this website later this evening.
