VN: afgelopen dagen sea dan 120 doden and wound in Afghanistan | Buitenland

IS claimed responsibility for disappearing bombardments during the open weekend in Afghanistan. Op vrijdag en zaterdag will be daarbij sjiite muslims in het west van hoofdstad Kaboel slachtoffer. After that, you will have to report that there will be bombardment on the ground. Het doelwit was the result of the local news from Kabul and a bus in the city of Chandawol in the Afghaanse Hoofdstad, was also a lot of Sjiite Muslims.

In 2014, IS was active in Afghanistan and was said to be the largest public suit dating from the country, the Taliban took over power in Augustus. Other recent events in Kaboel op vooral sjiieten are also opgeëist by IS. The Sjii Hazara minority was 10 and 20 percent of the overly Soennitische population of Afghanistan, which counted 38 million residents.
