Vlahovic, social celebration after the victory in Florence: Juventus heart

On the pitch he went blank after the “special” welcome that Florence gave him. But the purple past is behind us: the Serbian made it clear by celebrating the success on his own profile

Man in the spotlight for days, that of the challenge, those before the challenge and even those of the market soap opera. But Dusan Vlahovic never talked about his hot return to Florence, which he then lived at the center of the scene, complete with Dante’s full-stage choreography and deafening whistles, the only target of 28 thousand screaming voices. If he was waiting to speak on the pitch, the Serbian didn’t go beyond a couple of shots: for his demerits, but also for the balls that arrived and for the great work of the Viola defense. The only blow Dusan beat him in the aftermath of the waiting and painful trip to Florence. On social media, not his best pitch, nor his favorite. In fact, he only came out with a photo and two hearts, but still full of meaning given the circumstances.

the message

No posts, but an Instagram story. A black and white heart, which are her new colors. A team hug with the new teammates and in the background the fans of the past, a purple stand. A composed joy, but more coherent than the curtains of those who do not rejoice against the opponent. Always in control despite what was boiling inside (and outside), his respect for his own recent history in the viola, and for what he received (and given) in Tuscany, Vlahovic also showed it on the pitch, until the final embrace for to console Venuti, as well as in the declarations of gratitude for Florence expressed several times in this Juventus month. Which are now his new colors, even on social networks.
