Vladimir Putin gave an order that may be completely impossible to follow

Compatibility and availability problems can hamper Russian production.

Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian companies to give up Western software by next year. ALL OVER PRESS

Russian companies have not succeeded in replacing Western software. State-owned companies are still dependent on, for example, Microsoft products, even the country’s president Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian companies to give up Western software by next year.

Reported about it Medusa.

The news website says that Russian companies have bought Microsoft services for millions of rubles. The Russian business newspaper Kommersant has estimated that companies have sunk a total of more than 24 million rubles into Microsoft services this year.

The problem is software compatibility

Meduza says that 62 percent of Russian software suffers from compatibility problems. This may complicate the software exchange process envisioned by Putin.

Another significant problem is the availability of Russian software. There are still no Russian equivalents for the software of Western technology giants. The Russian newspaper Vedemosti says that Russian companies must transfer at least 837 operating processes to Russian software in order to maintain industrial operations. There is still no Russian software for 412 operating processes.

Finding alternative software has also caused concern in Russian companies. Infrastructure director of the cloud services company Edgecenter Alexei Uchakin told Vedemost that replacing Microsoft and SAP software is practically impossible.

– It’s like switching from a Mercedes to a Lada Aura. The wheels and the steering wheel are in the same place, they look similar, but in practice the differences are huge, Uchakin told the magazine.

Developing new software can take time. Meduza estimates that the development of software necessary for industrial companies and the public sector may take another 15 years.
