Vlaamse regering start on paasvakantie met openbaar onderzoek in stikstofdossier | landlocked

In February, the Vlaamse regering had an agreement on the use of stikstofoxiden and ammonia afkomstig van de Landbouw and de industrie te reduce. In the “krokusakkoord” there was a great deal of concern about the stricter stikstofnormen that a year ago were planned for an arrest of van de Raad for Vergunningsbetwistingen over a pluimveestal in Kortessem. Concrete build-up of waste for ammonia (vehicle and main processing) of 0.025 percent for NOx (industry and transport) of 1 percent. For the landbouw houdt het accord onder sea in dat Veertig van de Meest vervuilende landbouwbedrijven Tegen 2025 would like to close. There is a war that we are going to do.

Vlak na de paasvakantie zal de Vlaamse regering het openbaar onderzoek in dat dossier opstarten. It is known that the maatregelen from the ontwerp-PAS (programmatic aanpak stikstof) and the bijhorende milieueffectenrapport (MER) of dinsdag 19 april can be sent. This can be done via the website of the Omgeving department, via the common area, or on a page from the Omgeving department. All burgers are added as well as deductible crijgen om opmerkingen of bezwaren over te maken. Het openbaar onderzoek loopt a tweetal maanden, dead and met vrijdag 17 June.

“That openbaar onderzoek geeft iedereen zijn of haar kans om opmerkingen te formularen”, says Minister Demir. “In Tussentijd Zitten we never style. The drawn names, the rode bedrijven, have been contacted almost individually and all the rules have been given beforehand.”
