VK wants fuel for the following generation of nuclear reactors producers | Buitenland

The energy production of the Vrijwaren, the various landen moments in the development of smaller nuclear reactors, the SMRs. For the high-cost reactors, a high level of uranium is needed. The uranium used for the large reactors was 5 percent, but the high-assay low-enriched uranium (Haleu) was 5 to 20 percent.

Haleu wordt momenteel grandson produced in Russia. The British government now has its own program. The first product site, in the north-west of England, should be operational in the beginning of the following decade. We invested 300 million euros in the team of a project in 2050 to 24GW of electricity from producers on the basis of nuclear energy, on geveer a district of national consumption.

“We were told that (Russian President Vladimir) poet wanted to go to oil, gas in the financial markets. We have not yet received any nuclear fuel,” said the Minister of Energy, Claire Coutinho, after the invasion of the Oekraïne and the spread of the European lands and the afhankelijkheid of Russian energy.
