Vivianne Heijnen is in cabinet for 100 days | 1Limburg

State Secretary for Infrastructure and Water Management Vivianne Heijnen from Maastricht (CDA) will be in the cabinet for exactly 100 days on Wednesday and is starting to feel better in her position.

“That’s because I get to know more people and get to grips with the files better,” says Heijnen after exactly one hundred days as State Secretary.

L1 took a look at her office in The Hague:

On January 10, the new Rutte IV cabinet was officially installed by King Willem-Alexander. And so is Vivianne Heijnen. She was a councilor in Maastricht from 2010 to 2018 and then alderman for almost 4 years.

“In Maastricht I had everything reasonably well under control. I knew everyone. I was completely new here. But I also want to work in The Hague the way I did in Maastricht,” says Heijnen.

By this she means having direct contact with citizens as much as possible and explaining to them in the clearest possible way what you are doing.

Three months in hotel
Acclimatizing in The Hague has also become a lot more pleasant for about three weeks now that Heijnen has an apartment. Before that, she stayed in a hotel for three months. “That was quite intense. But now I have a place for myself where I can invite family and friends. Because I really like people around me,” says the state secretary.
