Visually impaired pensioner can get out at the front again

Happy ending for the visually impaired Brigitte Hartwig.  The BVG had insight

Happy ending for the visually impaired Brigitte Hartwig. The BVG had insight Photo: Ufuk Ucta

By Pia Fredebeul

A brutal bus driver threw a visually impaired pensioner off the bus – because she can only get out at the front. After the BZ report, the BVG is finally taking action.

Brigitte Hartwig (73) from Kreuzberg has been severely visually impaired for 27 years. She relies on the bus almost every day to get to the doctor. She always gets out at the front because that’s how she feels safest and can support herself. But a bus driver on her regular route in Kreuzberg stopped taking her with him for exactly that reason. Supposedly because it is not permitted – which is wrong.

BVG should sensitize bus drivers

The BVG has now contacted Brigitte Hartwig. The pensioner confirms: “A man from the BVG contacted me who is visually impaired and takes care of such cases. He gave me his phone number so that I always have someone to contact if anything happens again.”

And what about the inconsiderate bus driver? “Our driving staff is now being sensitized again accordingly,” says a BVG spokesman when asked. What that means exactly remains unclear.

Brigitte Hartwig hasn’t seen the bus driver since. The only thing that counts for them: “The BVG assured me that I can get out further ahead.


Accessibility BVG Kreuzberg
