Virpi Kätkä makes an unimaginable mistake in the Survivors Suomi series

Immunity amulets confuse the contestants’ game in Survivor.

Virpi Kätkä is trying to find an immunity amulet in the jungle. Four

In the Survivors Suomi series, the game gets tougher when the contestants hear about the immunity amulets hidden on the island. The finder can save himself or another competitor in the tribal council with the help of the amulet.

Members of both tribes rush into the jungle to search. Especially conkers know how much the Amulet can affect the game.

Wallu Valpio believes he knows exactly where the Amulet is hidden. It also goes in the same direction Markus Pöyhönen.

– I myself went looking for a certain place where I thought it (the amulet) was. Wallu started rushing there before me and at least I didn’t notice that Wallu had found it. However, I didn’t watch the whole time, Pöyhönen states.

Konkars know how much the Amulet can affect the game. Four

Joalin Loukamaa can’t find the amulet either.

– I always tried to go alone, but Viivi or someone else was always with me. Didn’t really get to look for it alone, Joalin regrets.

However, the biggest mistake happens Virpi Kätkäwho walks past the amulet peeking out of the tree hole without noticing.

The one walking behind the cache Karoliina Tuominen however, notices the amulet and sneakily grabs it for himself. He rushes to tell about it Niko Saarinen.

– It felt like everyone was around and then had to make quick movements so that no one saw. At least I feel that no one saw, says Karoliina.

Karoliina Tuominen succeeds in finding the immunity amulet. Four

Survivors on Suomi Nelose and Ruudu on Sunday at 19:30. See program information on Telku.

Virpi Kätkä reveals his game tactics in Survivors.
