Virologist predicted the timing of the fifth wave of COVID-19 in Russia

The current rise in the number of cases of COVID-19 in Russia could last up to four months, as herd immunity among the country’s inhabitants is low. This was stated by virologist, head of the laboratory of bionanotechnology, microbiology and virology of Novosibirsk State University (NSU) Sergey Netesov, reports “RIA News”.

“Of course, it may happen that we are still quickly vaccinated and crush the virus, but we must prepare for the worst. In addition, this wave will be long – for two, three or four months, ”said the virologist.

The daily number of cases of COVID-19 in Moscow was a record for the entire pandemic

On average, infection pandemics last from one to three years, Alexander Semyonov, head of the Yekaterinburg Research Institute of Viral Infections Vector of Rospotrebnadzor, told the agency. He pointed out that the frequency of new “essential forms” of infections is influenced by a significant number of factors, but on average this occurs once every 15-20 years.

“The threat of the spread of infections due to global warming and the southward movement of previously irrelevant pathogens for Russia, such as the possible emergence of mosquitoes that carry West Nile fever, is significant,” he said.


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