Violence against women in the theater: “The Brides of Bluebeard”

Anddigging out the roots of violence against women by digging between prejudices based on stereotypical models of the female figure: this is the goal of Paola Leoneeducator expert in social theaterwhich, through the theatrical instrument, leads a survey aimed at raising awareness, preventing and combating gender-based violence, completely conjugated to the male.

A moment of the show “The Brides of Bluebeard”

Violence against women and “The Brides of Bluebeard”

«During the preparation of a show in prison – where I have been working for many years – taking a cue from the fairy tale“ Bluebeard ”by Charles Perrault, I stopped to analyze femicide through the gaze of the men in prison. At that moment the idea of ​​extrapolating that “picture” arose e create a totally innovative laboratory, replicable in various contexts, in which to represent the abused women were those who often cover the role of the executioner»Recounts Leone, tracing the origin of the project“ Le spose di Bluebeard ”.

The protagonists, in fact, are only men of any target and social background, who, at the end of a path of introspection, analysis and preparation, lending body and voice to the “victim” woman, they stage a performance open to the public.

The path of analysis and destructuring of stereotypes

«To weaken the initial reticence – he explains – during the first day of the workshop, is the anonymous collection of all the stereotypes and discriminatory words thought, pronounced or heard about women, throughout the course of one’s life. Reading this list together, we investigate, rework and we deconstruct every single cliché through a direct intervention methodology aimed at rethinking oneself. After that, we proceed with the writing of the monologues inspired by news events or by stories of violence experienced by the participants in the family context, honoring the memory of women who must not be forgotten ».

Alberta Ferretti and Cristiana Capotondi against violence against women

Awareness on the stage

Thus, the reading, the study of the texts and their narration create favorable conditions for reflection and change in the participants who reach their emotional apex during the performance in which they find themselves deprived of any shield, on stage only with their own frailties.

“These men accept the challenge of getting naked and they step into the shoes of a woman, never imitating her, but recovering that feeling of humiliation that victims of violence or abuse find themselves experiencing. Through an introspective path, we work on gaining awareness of the stereotype, the prison built by the cultural heritage in which we have been entangled for decades “ Leone is keen to emphasize.

To lead, from time to time, 7 or 14 men on the stage is an intensive 6-day workshop which, from a perspective opposite to that from which society is used to turning its gaze to violence against women, seeks to glimpse male responsibilities to lead to awareness.

A group of “actors” during the theater workshop “Le spose di Bluebeard” Credit @Martina Leo

The key to investigating the reasons for violence against women

Empathy and sensitivity are the fundamental values ​​for the creator of “The Brides of Bluebeard” who manages to involve retirees, professionals, migrants, students, former drug addicts and prisoners, putting in their hands the key to investigate the reasons for the violence.

«On a daily basis I realize how much, unfortunately, prejudice is still present even in adolescents. It is not easy to destroy the foundations of a male-dominated culture, but theater, for me, is a precious tool to empower men and women. It allows me to make my personal contribution to the fight against violence against women, in support of civil rights, ”she says.

The theater of awareness

“The Brides of Bluebeard”, in fact, through a narration with a strong visual impact, they shake souls, generate a deafening silence which, then, results in a liberating cry as well as a shared debate with wives, mothers and daughters, active spectators of the show.

I like to call it a political action, I would like this laboratory to become a permanent presence to be provided especially in schools. We started from Puglia, but now associations, institutions and cultural collectives are contacting us from all over Italy. My dream would be to propose this laboratory to law enforcement and football teams, where the stereotype lies most. And, perhaps, go on stage in the symbolic places of Italy “concludes Leone, trusting the main objective of” Le spose di Bluebeard “, that is to convey a message of equality and unity in the fight against violence against women, beyond gender.

