Vintage car and motorcycle stamp in Lombardy, the news for 2022

Lombard owners of historic cars and motorbikes can breathe a sigh of relief: the changes approved by the region, which will come into effect from January 1, 2022, are in favor of vehicles that are over twenty years old. And they simplify the procedure for obtaining an exemption

The Lombardy region intervened on the regulation concerning the obtaining of the exemption from the road tax for historic vehicles, that is to say cars and motorbikes that pass the fateful steps of twenty and thirty years of age. And the news is good for Lombard fans of two- and four-wheeled youngtimers, given that in addition to simplifying the procedures, the new changes have also sanctioned the possibility of exemption for vehicles over twenty years old. But what exactly changes from 1 January 2022?


First of all, the simplification concerns the fact that the exemption from the stamp duty will be automatically recognized to vehicles for which the Certificate of historical relevance of the vehicle has been noted on the vehicle, a document that can be obtained by contacting the offices of the Vivile Motorization or at the branches. telematics for motorists (Sta). The annotation of the Crs in the booklet, which cars that are at least twenty years old can benefit from, will be acquired from the auto-motorcycle tax archive and will produce its effects already in the current tax period, provided that the the procedure has been completed within the third month following the “birthday”. Otherwise, the exemption will come into effect from the tax period subsequent to the one in progress at the date of the annotation.

Change of ownership

The exemptions recognized by 31 December 2021 requested through the old procedures obviously remain valid, but in the event of the transfer of ownership of the exempt vehicle, the new owner will be asked to request the registration of the Crs booklet to retain the right to the exemption. On the contrary, with the new rules, since the annotation on the registration certificate refers to the vehicle and not to the owner, in the event of subsequent changes of ownership, the buyer will not be required to proceed with further obligations to continue to enjoy the ‘exemption. There is no additional obligation not even because those who have already submitted an application for annotation of the Crs on the registration certificate before 1 January 2022, also acquired automatically by the regional archive.


Another good news concerns the vehicles included in the safeguard list and registered in the historical Aci Register, finally equated with other registers provided for by Art. 60 Highway Code. In this case it is therefore possible to obtain the exemption even in the absence of Crs, but it will be necessary to present a specific application to the Lombardy region: the registration will produce its effects from the tax period subsequent to the one in progress at the start date of the procedure, while in the event that the application is presented within the third month (from the 20th year of age), the exemption has immediate effect. Even vehicles already registered in the historical Aci Register will be able to benefit from the exemption starting from the first tax period of the year 2022, provided that the application is presented by next May 31st.



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